Pastor Hagee Slams Dems and Repubs but Remains Powerfully Pro-Israel

Pastor Hagee Slams Dems and Repubs but Remains Powerfully Pro-Israel

Pastor John Hagee, an evangelical pastor and founder of Christians United for Israel, published an op-ed in Christian Post, raising the alarm about the upcoming presidential elections. 

“Socialists and authoritarians are on the precipice of taking over both of America’s political parties,” he opened. “The United States is at a crossroads — unprecedented in my lifetime. And if people of faith do not rise up and act on our moral convictions, we will lose our beloved nation.”

Pastor Hagee expressed clear and harsh criticism of President Biden, noting that “his administration’s failures are innumerable”. The pastor blamed these failures on the president capitulating to those in the left-wing who  “disdain faith, equal opportunity, and capitalism — three pillars of American society”.

He also stated that there were no leaders among the Democrats to lead the party away from “class warfare, identity politics and ultimately, antisemitism”. 

Pastor John Hagee speaking at the 2022 Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit. Credit: CUFI/Oren Cohen.

While Pastor Hagee is harshly critical of the Democrats, he also opined that the Republican party is also mired in a crisis of leadership

“ Multiple would-be Republican standard bearers consistently appeal to the worst in their audience by trafficking in thinly veiled racism while cynically trampling on our Constitution,” Pastor Hagee wrote. “Likewise, faith is not ornamental, and the Word of God is not a political prop.”

“It is far from unprecedented for people to be led astray by those promising an unrealistic view of a nostalgic past, but when this nostalgia is rooted in insult, racism and antisemitism, it is fundamentally un-American and most assuredly evil.”

As an example of what he views as racist leadership among the Republicans, Hagee cited refusal by the executive committee of the GOP to pass a resolution that would ban political engagement with Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers. Hagee noted that the vote was carried out in secret in a move he said reserved “the party’s right to collaborate with Nazis”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) and Christians United for Israel (CUFI) founder Pastor John Hagee shake hands in Jerusalem in 2010. (Photo: CUFI)

Hagee equated the Democratic party to socialism but was equally critical of the Republican party. “Just as socialism is becoming synonymous with the Democratic Party, a contagious viral strain of anti-American, anti-Christian, and antisemitic politics is poisoning the Republican Party”,he wrote.

While presenting this conundrum, his final warning was against indifference, effectively calling on people to become actively involved in politics. 

Some media perceived Hagee’s warning of racism in the Republican party as a pre-emptive unendorsement for the campaign of former-President Donald Trump, who Hagee did endorse in 2016. This was bolstered by Hagee delivering a prayer at the launch of Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign.

Some media also understood Hagee’s description of Biden as “duly elected” to be a backhand swipe at Trump, who has claimed that Biden’s victory was due to election rigging.While his article may have been a subtle and implied criticism of Trump’s candidacy, it is clear that by supporting Haley, who was a powerful pro-Israel voice as the US ambassador to the United Nations, Pastor Hagee is continuing in his tradition of political advocacy for Israel based in his Christian faith. Hagee has stated that he believes the Bible commands Christians to support the State of Israel.

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