God of the Breakthrough

God of the Breakthrough

God (Hashem) promises victory to His people and to go before them to remove obstacles to their advancement. He declares He will go before His people to open iron gates that prevent them from entering their inheritance. He declares, He will, “Break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut asunder the bars of iron.” (Isaiah 45:2-3). 

One of the names used to refer to Hashem is “Lord of the Breakthrough” or “Baal-Perazim.” When King David defeated the Philistines, he named the place Baal-Perazim which means “Lord of Breakthrough” because Hashem caused him to break through over his enemies. (I Chronicles 14:11). 

Believing in the Words of the Prophets.

The witness of the Scripture is that both hearing and believing in the prophecies and words of the prophets release the realities of what they speak. This is true for the individual as well as for the nation. To believe the prophets means that we hear, and we obey the words of the prophets.

The Prophet Micah describes how Hashem will go before His people to bring a breakthrough, “The One who breaks through will come up before them, they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with Hashem at their head.”  (Micah 2:13).

Elijah and the Widow. I Kings 17:7-16

During the time of drought and famine in Israel, Hashem directed the prophet Elijah to go to Zarephath in Sidon. He said that a widow there would supply him with food. (I Kings 17:9). The people in this region were the enemies of Israel. Hashem was going to have the prophet’s enemy to feed him. In the process, the widow would hear the word of the Lord through the prophet and her life would be saved. The biblical story opens with the widow gathering sticks to bake the last of her flour with her remaining oil for her and her son before they would starve to death. (I Kings 17:10-12). The prophet tells this widow to make him first by giving him the last of what she had. He then makes her a prophetic promise, “This is what Hashem, the God of Israel, says: ‘the jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day of the Lord sends rain on the land.” The Scriptures confirm that this word came to pass. Every day there was enough flour and oil for bread to feed the prophet and her family. Hashem as the Breaker went before the prophet and His word to break out in the provision during this time of lack.

In believing the prophet’s word, the widow and her son saw Hashem break out before them as the prophet predicted. The Breaker Anointing was released by the Lord of the Breakthrough to survive famine. The words of Micah 2:13 were put on display, “The One who breaks out will come up before them.” 

Hashem also promises to break out on behalf of the Jewish people when they follow the words of the prophets. It is important for an army to have good strategies and sound battle plans, but it can also be even more important to know and hear what “The Lord of the Breakthrough” has to say.

King Jehoshaphat and the Spirit of Prophecy.  2 Chronicles 20:1-21

In 2 Chronicles 20:1-2, the king receives distressing news that an overwhelming army of multiple nations is gathering to attack Israel. The armies of Moab, Ammon, and the Ammonites are gathering to attack. The wise king called the people of Judah to join him in fasting and prayer to ask Hashem for help. (Vs-3-4) The king reminded Hashem of His past promises and presented them before Him. ((Vs-9-10). God answers by having “the Spirit of Prophecy come upon Jahaziel to prophesy what God wanted them to do.” (Vs-14). He tells the king, “The battle is not yours but belongs to Hashem.” (Vs-15). They are told to go to a position themselves on a cliff called “Ziz” to view the battle and watch God fight. (Vs-16). The king is now inspired to believe in the Spirit of Prophecy. He sends his army into battle with the worshipers singing, “Praise the Lord; for His mercy endures forever.” (Vs-21) 

The enemy armies become confused and attack each other until they are destroyed. Meanwhile, Israel is watching from above on the cliff of Ziz and they see the victory. Israel did not have to lift a sword.

The Lord of the Breakthrough went before Israel because they believed the word of the prophet. The king commanded Israel to “Believe the Lord your God, so shall you be established; believe his prophets, and so shall you prosper.” (Vs-20). 

Pending Prophecies for Israel.

There are prophecies for Israel that are now in the process of fulfillment. A number of them have to do with the return of the scattered tribes of Israel such as in Ezekiel 36:24. 

“I will gather you from among the nations, and gather you our of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.” 

As the tribes are returning to Israel, Hashem has spoken by His prophets that He will rebuild the Temple, “I will set up My sanctuary in the midst of them.” (Ezekiel 37:26-28). 

During the 18th Century, the Vilna Gaon, a Jewish Sage, prophesied that the Hurva synagogue in Jerusalem would be destroyed twice and the third time it was rebuilt would be a sign that the Third Jewish Temple was to be rebuilt. The Hurva synagogue was rebuilt and dedicated in 2010. 

The rebuilt Hurva Synagogue in the Old City’s Jewish Quarter, with an image of it prior to being rebuilt, when it was destroyed

Christian Zionists hearing prophecies of restoration for Israel.

As in the past, Hashem is using Christian Zionists to stand up and affirm God’s promises for Israel. As a Christian leader, I have been to Israel nineteen times to pray for the Jewish people and the promises that Hashem has made to them. In 2009, the Lord (Hashem) told me to be in Jerusalem on March 16, 2010. I had no idea why He gave me this date. When I researched this date, I discovered that the Hurva Synagogue was to be dedicated after being rebuilt on March 16, 2010. I also ran across the 300-year-old prophecy that declared this would be a sign that the Third Jewish Temple would be coming. I asked the Lord (Hashem), “Why is my presence important enough that I need to be present for this dedication?” This is what I heard: “I always have My witnesses to the fulfillment of My prophetic word.” (Amos 3:7). 

Dedication of Hurva Synagogue.

The Lord told me, if I went for Him to see the dedication of Hurva Synagogue, that I would see three things. First, I would receive an ancient key. Second, I would see it rain when it was dedicated. Thirdly, I would see His glory. When I arrived in Jerusalem, I visited a House of Prayer which gave me an ancient key. I wondered about the rain that day because in the morning it was sunny. The dedication was delayed until later in the day. By 5 pm, clouds came in and it lightly rained during the dedication. We took pictures during the event, and we could see an angel in the clouds showing the glory of God.  

Other Witnesses to the coming Third Temple.

Foxes appearing at the Temple Wall.

The day before the 9th of Av in 2023 foxes were seen at the Temple wall in Jerusalem. It had long been believed that the appearance of foxes at the Temple would be a sign of the coming restoration of the third Temple. This sighting was reported in the Jerusalem Post. Rabbit Shamuel Rabinowitz, the Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Sites referred to the photos of the foxes and commented, “One cannot refrain from crying at the site of the fulfillment of the prophecy of foxes walking on it.” 

Fox spotted in Jerusalem’s Old City, Tisha B’Av, July 26, 2023 (Credit: Barak Blumenthal)

Prophecy of the Tenth Red Heifer.

According to the Mishnah, the written version of the Jew’s oral tradition, the red heifer sacrifice has only been performed nine times in the history of the Jewish people. (The ashes from the red heifer are needed to dedicate the Third Temple.) Numbers 19:1-2, 10. There is a prophecy in the Mishnah stating that when the tenth red heifer appears, the Temple will be restored, and the Messiah will finally come. 

In September 2022, five unblemished red heifers were donated by a Christian Texas rancher and delivered to Israel from Texas. For two thousand years the Jewish people have waited and searched for an unblemished red heifer. Now suddenly five are offered up by a Christian Zionist. 

God is moving on behalf of His people Israel in these last days as the Lord of the Breakthrough, to let His people and the world know that His words concerning Israel will be fulfilled. He will have His witnesses for His prophetic word that will declare, “The King is going before His people.” (Micah 2:13). He will break out and come up before them so they can pass through the gate into their inheritance. The Lord of the Breakthrough is here. 

The red heifer in its new home at the Ancient Shiloh heritage site. Credit: Binyamin Regional Council.

Positioning To See the Breakthrough of God’s Prophecies for Israel.

In King Josephat’s day, the prophet told the king to go to the cliff of Ziz to see “The Lord of the Breakthrough” fight for Israel. What if the king had not gone to position Israel to see the victory at this cliff? Likely, they would not have seen victory. We must not only believe in the prophets, and their prophecies for these Last Days, but we must also position ourselves because we believe in the prophecies. This positioning of ourselves can mean several things. We express our beliefs by speaking and praying for their fulfillment. We position ourselves by declaring what God declares. We say “Amen” to what He says and agree with him. We also obey the words of the prophets. The king could have said, “Lets wait and see what happens from where we are now. Instead, he obeyed and went to the cliff of Ziz, the high place to watch over the word of the Lord. 

Like the watchman on the walls of the city, we watch over the prophecies Hashem has given for these last days for their fulfillment. This also means that watchmen report on the fulfillment of prophecy they see. This is how we take our place on the high ground called the cliff of Ziz to watch, “The Lord of the Breakthrough” go out before His people, and break out on their behalf.” Christians today need to know that they also can become Christian Zionists by positioning themselves to stand with Israel. We can take our place on the high ground, on the walls of Jerusalem, as watchmen for Israel. 

Hashem describes His watchmen in Isaiah 62:6-7 which says He will place them on the walls of Jerusalem. They will give God no rest day or night on this high ground while they mention His promises to Israel, and they see Jerusalem become a praise in the earth. Their motto is described in Isaiah 62:1-2, “For Zion’s sake I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep silent, until her righteousness goes forth and her salvation as a burning torch, and all kings shall see her glory.” 

My prayer is that Christian Zionists will take their places on the walls of Jerusalem to stand with Israel and watch over the words of the Lord spoken by His prophets for this nation. 

A place is waiting for you on the cliff of Ziz to see the Lord of the Breakthrough.  

The post God of the Breakthrough appeared first on Israel365 News.

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