HaYesod: Learning the Foundations

“It opened my eyes!”

“It changed the way I see Jesus!”

These are the kinds of comments that we regularly receive about HaYesod. HaYesod is one of our most important and widely used resources.

It is a ten-week discipleship course that “respectfully explores the Jewish foundation of Christianity, and the Christian’s connection to the Land, the People and Scriptures of Israel.” Churches, Messianic congregations, Bible studies and small groups have utilized HaYesod for years. We are grateful that HaYesod has yielded much fruit in helping many people to know Jesus better.

Recently, some FFOZ Friends in Idaho led a HaYesod group at their church for the first time. Sixty-five people signed up! This church has a deep heart for Israel. HaYesod is helping them to dig deeper into why the Land of Israel, the Jewish people, and the Jewish Jesus are so important to all of God’s people. Here are some testimonies about the impact that HaYesod had.

“I enjoy learning more about the roots of my faith. I understand more about the Torah and the Bible, which helps me to know God better. This is a great study!” –Diane

“We have been very blessed to understand more deeply our Jewish roots. We as Christians have so missed the blessings that we have received. The more we study, the more excited we have become.” –Kathy

We are very encouraged to hear testimonies like this. It motivates us to continue to present vision, teaching, and resources that help people to know and follow Jesus better by seeing him through Jewish eyes. Along that line, we are looking forward to releasing a completely new edition of HaYesod in the first part of 2017! Also, we are in the process of translating the current HaYesod course into Spanish. We hope and pray that all of our HaYesod resources will continue to strengthen the disciples of Jesus all over the world.

If you would like to start your own HaYesod group, or participate as an individual, go to www.hayesod.org for more information.

Source: First Fruits of Zion