Israel Can’t Go Against The World?

Israel Can’t Go Against The World?

Why does Israel allow “humanitarian aid” to reach Gaza without conditioning it on the return of the 240 Israeli hostages? Why doesn’t Israel destroy the many Gaza buildings which serve to hide the enemy and endanger IDF soldiers? Why isn’t Israel doing what every other sane nation would do in response to a huge massacre of its citizens – deport the civilian supporters of Hamas and annex the territory?  The answer to all these questions is simple: the Israeli government is afraid of world opinion. Many Israelis know what must be done to save the country – but their government refuses to do it out of fear of “what the gentiles will say”. “We can’t go against the whole world,” they claim. Really – is that true?

Just by its very existence, Israel defies world opinion. In 2022, for example, more UN resolutions were passed against Israel than against the entire rest of the world combined! 13 resolutions versus 11. And yet still Israel exists. And during its short 75 years of history, time and again Israel has defied world opinion and nothing catastrophic happened to it. Following are just a few examples.

Days after Oct. 7, the destruction can be seen after the assault by Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Be’eri, near Gaza border in southern Israel, Oct. 11, 2023. Photo by Oren Ben Hakoon/Flash90.
Days after Oct 7 the destruction can be seen after the assault by Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Beeri near Gaza border in southern Israel Oct 11 2023 Photo by Oren Ben HakoonFlash90


In the 1960’s the Syrian army began using the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria’s attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, forcing children living on kibbutzim in the Huleh Valley to sleep in bomb shelters. Israel repeatedly protested the Syrian bombardments to the UN Mixed Armistice Commission, which was charged with policing the cease-fire, but the UN did nothing to stop Syria’s aggression. Even a mild Security Council resolution expressing “regret” for such incidents was vetoed by the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, when  Israel retaliated  it was condemned by the United Nations.

On May 18th Egyptian president Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force (UNEF), stationed in the Sinai since 1956 as a buffer between Israeli and Egyptian forces to withdraw . The did. By June 1967, the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon were poised on the borders of Israel, while standing behind them were the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan. Over 465,000 troops, more than 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft ringed Israel. Their explicit goal was to “wipe Israel off the map.”

Six day war Defense Minister Moshe Dayan

America tried to dissuade Israel from going to war. Right before hostilities broke out, American President Johnson warned: “Israel will not be alone unless it decides to go alone.” Israel decided to go it alone.  So when the war began, the State Department announced: “Our position is neutral in thought, word and deed.” America was then Israel’s primary arms supplier! Johnson imposed an arms embargo on the Jewish State. France, Israel’s other main arms supplier, also embargoed arms to Israel. By contrast, the Soviets supplied massive amounts of arms to the Arabs. At the same time, the armies of Kuwait, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq contributed troops and arms to the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian fronts.

Instead of waiting to be annihilated, Israel launched a preemptive strike, which decimated its enemies in just six days. It did this against world opinion and even against that of its closest allies. On November 22, 1967, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 242, calling on Israel to withdraw from territory liberated in the war in exchange for “secure and recognized boundaries”.

The Entebbe Raid

On 4 July 1976, Israeli commandos stormed Uganda’s Entebbe Airport, killed over 40 terrorists and hostiles and freed over a hundred Israeli hostages. In response, the Chairman of the Organization of African Unity charged Israel with an “act of aggression”. Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim condemned the raid telling the UN Security Council that it was “a serious violation of the sovereignty of a Member State of the United Nations”. It was later discovered that Waldheim was a former member of the Nazi SS and he was forced to resign his position as head of the UN.

A police officer clears the way for rescued Air France hostages returning from Entebbe Airport Credit Moshe Milner

The Annexation of East Jerusalem

In July 1980, as part of the country’s Basic Law, the Knesset passed the Jerusalem Law, which declared unified Jerusalem the capital of Israel, formalizing its effective annexation. The United Nations Security Council ruled the law “null and void” in United Nations Security Council Resolution 478. Resolution 478  “condemned in the strongest terms the enactment of Israeli law proclaiming a change in the status of Jerusalem”. It also called on UN Member States to withdraw their embassies from the city.

The Bombing of the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor

On June 7, 1981 Israel attacked and destroyed Iraq’s Osirak nuclear research reactor at Tuwaitha. Security Council Resolution 487 strongly condemned the attack as a “clear violation of the Charter of the United Nations and the norms of international conduct” and called on Israel to refrain from such attacks in the future; the Council recognized the right of Iraq to “establish programmes of technological and nuclear development” and called for Israel to join Iraq within the “IAEA safeguards regime” of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The UN General Assembly followed the Security Council with Resolution No. 36/27 on November 13th 1981, expressing deep alarm and condemning Israel over the “premeditated and unprecedented act of aggression,” and demanding that Israel pay prompt and adequate compensation for the damage and loss of life it had caused. The resolution solemnly warned Israel to refrain from taking such measures in the future.

Osirak nuclear reactor damaged in attacks in 1980 and 1981 destroyed on February 19 1991 Photograph of the reactor taken prior to the attacks Copyright held by the photographer or the publisher

The attack was also strongly criticized around the world, including in the United States. Privately, President Reagan wrote in his journal on the day of the attack, “I swear I believe Armageddon is near,” The United States even voted for the UN resolution and suspended the delivery of four F-16 aircraft to Israel. The suspension on the delivery of the U.S. aircraft was lifted two months later.

The Guardian newspaper, described the global reaction: “The world was outraged by Israel’s raid on 7 June 1981. ‘Armed attack in such circumstances cannot be justified. It represents a grave breach of international law,’ UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher thundered. Jeane Kirkpatrick, the U.S. ambassador to the UN and as stern a lecturer as Britain’s then prime minister, described it as “shocking” and compared it to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. American newspapers were as fulsome. “Israel’s sneak attack … was an act of inexcusable and short-sighted aggression,” said the New York Times. The Los Angeles Times called it “state-sponsored terrorism”.”

Annexation of the Golan Heights

The Golan Heights Law applies Israel’s government and laws to the Golan Heights. It was ratified by the Knesset on December 14, 1981.

Egypt immediately condemned the annexation , calling it “illegal” and a setback for negotiations for a comprehensive Middle East peace. The Egyptian ambassador to Israel, Saad Mortada, said that “the unilateral decision by Israel to apply the Israeli law to the Golan Heights is tantamount to annexation of this territory against the rules and norms of international law, of the United Nations Charter, the Hague regulations and against the Fourth Geneva Convention.”

The United States deplored the annexation as “a blow to peace efforts in the Middle East”. White House and State Department spokesmen expressed “deep concern” and “opposition” to the Israeli moves.

After the passing of the law, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin told the Knesset that not only did he not consult with U.S. officials beforehand, he never even considered doing so because “no one will dictate our lives to us, not even the United States . . .” Begin added, “No one, no people, no power will succeed in pushing us back to those pre-1967 borders of bloodshed and provocation.”

Israeli soldiers watch the Syrian side of the border in the Golan Heights in northern Israel on Oct. 30, 2023. Photo by Michael GiladiFlash90.

Some 40 years later US President Donald Trump recognized Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights. The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, who opposed the US recognition, claimed that “the status of Golan has not changed,” and the US move resulted in condemnation, criticism or rejection from the European Union, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Poland, South Africa, Turkey, Egypt, the Arab League, Russia, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Somalia, Lebanon, Japan, Cuba, Venezuela, Indonesia, Canada, Pakistan, Sudan, Malaysia, Vietnam, and China.

Bibi – Don’t Be Afraid of Them

The above examples are only a portion of the many times Israel defied world opinion and “survived to tell the tale”. The current Israeli government can do the same, if it only wanted too. Prime Minister Netenyahu – stop putting the Gaza Arabs before your own people. Those who have mercy on the cruel end up being cruel to the merciful. The blood of our massacred brothers is crying out from the ground! Don’t tell the Israeli people that there is “a price to war”. That you should tell to our enemies!  Stop being afraid of world opinion and start fighting back for real! And if you are incapable of this simple request – then let those who are not afraid, lead in your place.

The post Israel Can’t Go Against The World? appeared first on Israel365 News.

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