AOC Alleges Racism in Pro-Israel Organization

AOC Alleges Racism in Pro-Israel Organization
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

“They are one of the more racist and bigoted PACs in Congress as well, who disproportionately target members of color,” tweeted Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

By World Israel News Staff

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a member of the far-left “Squad,” took aim at America’s largest pro-Israel lobby group Tuesday night, accusing it of racism and bigotry, after the group slammed her for opposing a resolution reaffirming Israel’s right to self-defense.

On Tuesday, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted 412 to 10, with 6 members voting present, to pass House Resolution 771, declaring support for Israel in its war against Hamas, demanding the release of captives held by Hamas, and endorsing Israel’s right to self-defense.

One Republican, Thomas Massie (KY-2) voted against the resolution, alongside nine Democrats, including Squad members Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Summer Lee, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib.

Of the ten lawmakers who voted against HR 771, one – Thomas Massie – is non-Hispanic white, while six are black, two Hispanic, and one Arab.

In a tweet Tuesday night, Ocasio-Cortez cited the ethnic makeup of HR 771’s opponents to accuse the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) of racism.

“AIPAC endorsed scores of Jan 6th insurrectionists. They are no friend to American democracy.”

“They are one of the more racist and bigoted PACs in Congress as well, who disproportionately target members of color.”

“They are an extremist organization that destabilizes US democracy.”

Massie, a libertarian-leaning Republican, justified his opposition to the resolution in a tweet last week, noting that the non-binding resolution endorses (though does not mandate) sanctions on Iran and aid for Israel.

I condemn the barbaric attack on Israel and I affirm Israel’s right to defend itself. However, I will not be voting for House Resolution 771 today because:

1) It calls for sanctions on a sovereign country. Sanctions are a prelude to war and hurt the citizens of the country more than the government of the country that’s being sanctioned. And ultimately, sanctions create laws that will be used to prosecute American citizens (who engage in trade), not citizens of the sanctioned country. In short, sanctions do not achieve their stated purposes but do breed resentment of our country abroad.

2) It asserts the necessity of foreign aid commitments which I have voted against. Our country is going bankrupt and we can’t afford to borrow money to send overseas, yet this resolution states that we should.

3) It contains an open-ended promise of military support that is so broad that it could be interpreted to commit US soldiers to the conflict. US troops should not be engaged in this conflict.

4) It tends to broaden the conflict to other countries when it would be better to keep the war contained geographically.

Cori Bush (D-MO), like Ocasio-Cortez, also accused AIPAC of being anti-democratic, and attempted to link the non-partisan group to pro-Trump “insurrections.”

“AIPAC’s dark money grift & anti-democracy propping up of insurrectionists are attempts to undermine the will of the people,” Bush tweeted.

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