Netanyahu quotes Isaiah: Some Christians and Muslims misunderstand

Netanyahu quotes Isaiah: Some Christians and Muslims misunderstand

The cry “Violence!” Shall no more be heard in your land, Nor “Wrack and ruin!” Within your borders. And you shall name your walls “Victory” And your gates “Renown.” Isaiah 60:18

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation on Wednesday night on live television, discussing the failures that led to the massacre of over 1,400 and the taking of over 200 hostages on October 7, while outlining the steps that will be taken to eliminate the Hamas terrorist organization. 

“We are in the midst of a campaign for our existence,” Netanyahu began. “We have set two goals for this war: To eliminate Hamas by destroying its military and governing abilities, and to do everything possible to bring our captives home. All Hamas terrorists are dead men walking – above ground, below ground, outside Gaza.”

The Prime Minister used harsh terms when describing the military action being implemented against  Hamas.

“We are raining down hellfire on Hamas. We have already eliminated thousands of terrorists – and this is only the beginning. At the same time, we are preparing for a ground incursion. I will not detail when, how or how many, or the overall considerations that we are taking into account, most of which are unknown to the public, and this is how it needs to be, in order to better safeguard the lives of our soldiers.”

Netanyahu finish his speech with a quote from the Prophet Isaiah:

 ” Violence shall no more be heard in your land, desolation nor destruction within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.‘ Isaiah 60:18

The statement had a dual meaning for Hebrew-speakers. The word translated as ‘violence’ is Hamas in Hebrew (חָמָס֙). In Hebrew, this verse could be understood to mean that the terrorist group will no longer exist in the land of Israel.

Many media, secular and religious, noted the PM’s reference to prophecy. Christian Headlines reported on the speech under the headline, “Netanyahu Vows: Israel Will ‘Realize the Prophecy of Isaiah,’ Defeat Hamas”.

Christian Post wrote about Netanyahu’s address under a similar prophetic headline. While the article noted Netanyahu’s Isaiah reference, it did not make the connection to the Hebrew word, “Hamas”. The article noted incongruously that the verse that appears two verses prior to the one cited by Netanyahu is interpreted by Christianity as a reference to Jesus. 

The article in Christian Post also noted that Netanyahu stated, “Light will defeat darkness”, suggesting that the Jewish prime minister was referencing the Book of Luke (16:18) in the New Testament. 

Netanyahu’s Biblical reference was also noted by Real Clear Politics without the Hebrew. 

The Daily Beast reported that the speech “evokes Biblical prophecy”, referring to the Christian prophecy of “Light defeating Darkness” without bringing the verse from the Hebrew Book of Isaiah.

Muslim and Arab sources understood Netanyahu’s comments in a Messianic context. Jordan News wrote:

“The alleged prophecy Netanyahu referred to is linked to a figure named Isaiah who would be a leader, raise a banner for the nations, gather the dispersed of Israel, and assemble the outcasts of Judah from the four corners of the Earth. Some Jewish zealots have connected this prophecy with the return of the Messiah, which is believed to occur with the return of Jewish exiles to Palestine. They are eager to promote this prophecy to push for the return of Jews to Palestine as part of fulfilling God’s plan.”

“This supposed prophecy has gained popularity among right-wing American Christian extremists who support Israel,” Jordan News noted.

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