New AI Bible app allows users to chat with Biblical characters

New AI Bible app allows users to chat with Biblical characters

A new artificial intelligence app claims to allow the user to chat with Biblical (and not-so-Biblical) characters. A trial run leaves the user hoping that the real Biblical characters are more inspiring than their computer-generated counterparts.

Bible Pics Chat claims to allow users “to seek guidance and enter the gateway to biblical wisdom” by chatting with Biblical characters. While AI chat programs are now common, they can be tailored to suit individual preferences. 

For example, when ChatGPT is asked if God exists, it gives a long preamble followed by an ambiguous and unsatisfying conclusion:

“Ultimately, whether or not God exists is a deeply personal and subjective question. It depends on an individual’s beliefs, experiences, and worldview. Different people may have different perspectives on this matter, and it’s important to approach discussions about the existence of God with respect and open-mindedness.”

When the Bible Pics version of Moses is asked the same question, he responds emphatically in the affirmative, describing Him as “the Creator of all things, visible and invisible.”

“Though His presence may not be visible to our earthly eyes, His fingerprints can be seen in the beauty of Creation, in the intricate designs of the universe, and in the depths of our souls.”

When asked when the messiah will arrive, King David emphasizes that the precise date is unknown and advises patience. This response clearly echoes Chat GPT, which responded, “It’s important to note that predictions or attempts to pinpoint an exact time for the arrival of the Messiah or the Mahdi are speculative and not supported by mainstream religious teachings. These beliefs are matters of faith and are often understood as unfolding in divine timing, which is not known to human beings.”

Another feature allows the user to study the Bible in an experience enhanced by AI-generated images and even offers a Bible trivia game. The images look like they were produced by an enthusiastic child who had a vague idea of Bible stories. The commentary may be unappealing to the classically trained Bible scholar. In its introduction to Genesis, the commentary is focused on Politically Correct messages:

“This chapter is a reminder of the importance of respecting and caring for the world around us, as it was created by God. The chapter also serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience to God’s commands. We are told that God gave man dominion over the earth and all that is in it and that we should use this power responsibly. This is a reminder that we should use our power to care for the world and all that is in it and not to abuse it. Overall, Genesis Chapter 1 is a powerful reminder of the power of God and His love for us. It is a reminder of the importance of respecting and caring for the world around us and of obeying God’s commands. It is a reminder of the importance of using our power responsibly and of caring for the world and all that is in it.”

The site is clearly designed for Christians as its description of God focuses on His importance in relation to Jesus. It states that God is mentioned 4,122 times in the Bible and notes inexplicably that the first mention of God is II Samuel 12:7.

Similarly, a competent description of Biblical Jacob notes that the first mention of Isaac’s son is in the New Testament, in Acts, chapter 7, verse 23.

While David’s exploits are well documented in the Book of Samuel, and he is credited with writing the Book of Psalms, the site claims he is first mentioned in the New Testament in Timothy, chapter 2, verse 8.

While the other features were disappointing, the AI-generated Biblical images were humorous, if not irreverent. The “Bible Beach” section has an image of Jesus enjoying a sandwich on the sand or eating an ice cream while walking on water. Moses is pictured surfing, staff in hand, while Noah on a surfboard is flanked by a pair of Zebras. Other Biblical characters, like Adam and Eve and Pharoah, are ardent sunbathers. 

Other AI-generated galleries include a Bible Dance Party, Bible Fashion, Bible Office, Bible Road Trip, Bible Rock Stars, Bible Tech, and Bible Selfie. Bible Heroes features Adam as Superman, Eve as Superwoman, and Noah as Batman. Jesus is supposed to be Spiderman but he looks suspiciously like Jason Mamoa playing Aquaman, wading through the surf.

In the Biblical Cookout section, Jesus can be seen hosting a cookout with his disciples, and in the Bible Rock Stars section, is depicted as a long-haired hippie fronting the Beatles. 

Fortunately, this section comes with an explanation: 

“The pictures are generated based on keywords from the text, but they are not meant to be taken as literal depictions of the events described. Rather, they are intended to evoke a sense of the scene and help readers engage with the text.”

It was our experience that turning to this app for inspiration or spiritual guidance would be misguided and its attempts at humor might be seen by some as insulting. AI is developing at lightning speed, and as it does, there will be attempts to adapt it for the benefit of religious people. Many rabbis have released rulings against the use of the new technology while others preach its benefits. In any case, AI is clearly here to stay and will hopefully be developed in a more positive manner. 

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