Ukrainian Refugees Celebrate Israel’s Independence Day for the First Time

Ukrainian Refugees Celebrate Israel’s Independence Day for the First Time

For Jewish Ukrainians fleeing the war, this marks the first time they will be able to personally experience the words of Israel’s national anthem Hatikva: ‘To be a free nation in our land.’

Several weeks ago, Ukrainian refugees who made it to Israel celebrated their newfound freedom on Passover- a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt – an especially meaningful event for Ukrainian Jews who also fled oppression in the form of a complete war zone in their native land.

But the Passover story is only the beginning of the redemptive process for the Jewish people. The redemptive aspect of the Passover story came full circle when the Jewish people finally reached the Land of Israel.

In 2022, that event is celebrated as Yom Haatzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day).

For Jewish Ukrainians fleeing the war, this marks the first time they will be able to personally experience the words of Israel’s national anthem Hatikva: ‘To be a free nation in our land.’

This also makes this year’s Yom Haatzmaut an especially meaningful one, just like Passover was.

That’s because despite being born and raised in Ukraine, they are still Jews. Knowing that Israel is the natural habitat for the Jewish people, can make celebrating their first Independence Day in Israel exciting. But their celebrations are being hampered by challenges.

That’s because food insecurity is a real problem among the Ukrainian refugees who arrived in Israel with nothing but the shirts on their backs.

This means that celebrating Independence Day will be a challenge if they don’t even have food to eat.

That is why the Meir Panim social organization is stepping up. Meir Panim has established Restaurant-Style Soup Kitchens across Israel for those suffering from food insecurity – among them Ukrainian refugees. With the daily influx of these refugees, the charitable organization has stepped into high gear providing for the needs of this vulnerable population.

Their important work is essential. But it is also dependent on funding by private donors who care about Israel.

That’s why the organization is asking that friends of Israel worldwide who want to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut in a special way do so by donating to this holy cause.

That means that now is your chance to help a Ukrainian refugee celebrate Israel’s Independence Day on a full stomach. Donate to Meir Panim today.

The post Ukrainian Refugees Celebrate Israel’s Independence Day for the First Time first appeared on United with Israel.
United with Israel