Local Arabs step up to provide hospitality, comfort, for victims of Mt Meron stampede

Local Arabs step up to provide hospitality, comfort, for victims of Mt Meron stampede

The tragedy at Mount Meron on the Jewish holiday of Lag Ba’Omer brought out the best-and the worst- from people around the world. Even from Arabs, near and far.

Immediately following the tragedy, calls went out from the Magen David Adom to bolster supplies of blood to treat the wounded. The response on Friday was so overwhelming that many were sent home with requests to return at a later date. Social media was flooded with offers of lodging and food for those who were unable to return home. The Hatzor HaGlilit regional council set up a special municipal center to provide accommodation for 43 people who were stranded in the north. 


Even more touching were the offers from the Druze residents of Yarka, Beit Jen and Yanuh-Jat also offered to host people who would not be able to return home before Shabbat in their own homes or their bed and breakfast facilities.

“Our hearts go out to the families of those killed in the disaster on Mount Meron and we pray for the recovery of the wounded,” said Sheik Mowafaq Tarif, the spiritual leader of the Druze community in Israel. “There is great sadness when you hear the news about a terrible event. All citizens of the country share in the pain of the loss.”

“The members of the Druze community and the Druze villages share in the grief of the families who lost their loved ones, and are ready and willing to provide any help in the Mount Meron area,” he said.

The Zarzir local council, home to many Bedouin Arabs, set up a refreshment station with water, fruit and cold drinks for those passing through their area on their way to their homes in the center of the country. The head of the local council, Amir Mazarib, said that all of the food and drink was strictly kosher.

“My heart goes out to the families of the disaster and I hope for better days,” he said.


Radi Najm, mayor of the Druze town of Beit Jan near Mount Meron, said his town had opened its facilities and many families had opened their homes to evacuees and rescuers from the disaster.

“Beit Jan residents and the local council join in the grief of the entire nation,” Najm said in a statement. “They open their homes and the council’s facilities to offer any help possible. I have ordered the [town’s] emergency services to provide any help necessary to the rescue crews. The residents are ready to receive evacuees and families from the disaster area.”

Ahmad Awasi from the city of Tamra posted an invitation for people to come to their refreshment stand.


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