A ‘Win for Israeli Sovereignty’: Tomb of Patriarchs will now be Handicap Accessible

A ‘Win for Israeli Sovereignty’: Tomb of Patriarchs will now be Handicap Accessible

Jerusalem district judge Ram Winograd has rejected a petition to delay the construction of infrastructure on Thursday to make  Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs handicap accessible reports 0404.

The chairman of the right-wing Otzma Yehudit (Jewish strength) political party Itamar Ben Gvir lauded the the court’s decision saying: “I’m happy that after a years long public battle, with my friend (journalist) Boaz Golan and the people of the Betzalmo organization, that this morning we are finally enjoying the fruits of our labor. The handicap access to the tomb doesn’t only allow a large portion of the population who couldn’t until now access the the tomb to now experience equality like all other worshippers, but is also a seal of Israeli sovereignty in the location and delivers an important message that the sovereign in the area is the State of Israel and not the terrorists from Hebron.”

Otzma Yehudit head Itamar Ben Gvir

Shamai Glick, Head of the Betzalmo organization who has been at the forefront of the battle to make the holy site handicap accessible said: “We have completed the conquest of Hebron and have ensured that everyone has the right to visit the Tomb of the Patriarchs.”

MK Katrin “Keti” Shitrit-Peretz (Likud) said of the move: “Today, justice has been served. After a tough drawn-out battle, it has been decided that Jews have human rights in the Tomb of the Patriarchs. Judge Winograd rejected petitions of the Hebron municipality and the left wing organization ‘Emek Shaveh’ on it’s head and exposed their lies. I will continue to lead an uncompromising campaign against those that want to hurt the Jewish people. Handicap access to the Tomb of the Patriarchs is a step towards basic humanity.”

Shitrit-Peretz then challenged the army to execute the project.

Fellow Likud MK Amit Halevy chimed in saying: “A years long battle for handicap accessibility is over today.” Setting his sights on returning the open market in Hebron to its original Jewish owners, Halevy continued saying: “We don’t have the privilege of getting tired. The Jewish market awaits us.”


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