Anti-Semitism Expert: Calling Conservatives “Nazis” is Holocaust Denial

Anti-Semitism Expert: Calling Conservatives “Nazis” is Holocaust Denial

Social media went crazy after the stage for the CPAC conference was compared to an obscure Nazi symbol, labeling the conservative attendees as Nazis. But one former State Department official specializing in anti-Semitism noted that doing so was, in itself, Holocaust denial, one of the worst forms of Jew-hatred.

CPAC Stage Shaped Like Ancient German Rune

The four-day Conservative Political Action Conference held in the Hyatt Regency in Orlando, Florida featured an impressive list of speakers topped off by former-President Trump’s first public appearance since leaving office. But the spotlight was shifted when actress Alyssa Milano made a post on Instagram implying the conference was a cover for the conservatives’ hidden Nazi agenda. 

“This is the stage at CPAC. THEY’RE NOT EVEN TRYING TO HIDE IT ANYMORE,” Milano captioned the images. “[Hyatt], this is what’s happening in your building. [Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), you stood on this stage.”

The symbol called an Odal, was originally a Proto-Germanic rune first appearing between the 3rd and 8th centuries. . It was adopted by a few sections of the Nazi SS.

Simon Rosenberg, the founder of New Democrat Network, went along with the actress’s theory, describing the symbol as “well-known.”


Ilyse Hogue, who served as president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, called for CPAC to redesign the stage.

Lead organizer of CPAC Matt Schlapp called the suggestions from Milano and others “outrageous and slanderous.”

“Stage design conspiracies are outrageous and slanderous,” Schlapp posted to Twitter on Saturday. “We have a long-standing commitment to the Jewish community. Cancel culture extremists must address antisemitism within their own ranks.”

“CPAC proudly stands with our Jewish allies, including those speaking from this stage,” he added.



A spokesperson for the Hyatt Regency defended the decision to host the conservative conference.

“We take pride in operating a highly inclusive environment and we believe that the facilitation of gatherings is a central element of what we do as a hospitality company,” the spokesperson said in a statement to Fox Business.

“We believe in the right of individuals and organizations to peacefully express their views, independent of the degree to which the perspectives of those hosting meetings and events at our hotels align with ours,” the spokesperson added. “Our own values support a culture that is characterized by empathy, respect, and diversity of opinions and backgrounds, and we strive to bring this to light through what we do and how we engage with those in our care.”

Milano responded to the Hyatt’s response by explicitly labeling the conservatives at CPAC as “Nazis.”


“Using the Word ‘Nazi’ in Politics is Holocaust Denial” 

Perhaps the most poignant response to Milano was made by  Ellie Cohanim, who formerly served as U.S. Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the State Department. Cohanim accused the actress and others like her of “engaging in Holocaust denialism.”



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