Israeli Lawmaker Foresees the Downfall of ‘False Messiahs’

Israeli Lawmaker Foresees the Downfall of ‘False Messiahs’

In a recent interview, a rookie Knesset member made an astonishing vow to destroy the “false messiahs” of the left-wing.

Bibi Vanquishing Left Wing Messiahs

“This morning we were informed of another party from the left that exploded like a balloon,” newly appointed Likud MK Nissim Vaturi said in an interview with Israel National News. Vaturi was referring to the news that Avi Nissenkorn, the Minister of Justice, had just quit the Israelis, a left-wing political party recently formed by Tel Aviv mayor Ron Huldai. The move came just days before parties are required to submit their final lists of candidates to the Central Elections Commission. In a desperate attempt to keep his part solvent, Huldai is currently in talks with the Labor Party which once was the preeminent political force in Israeli politics but garnered the barest minimum of three seats in the last election.

“And as disturbing as it sounds, it is actually sad that this is what happens when there are almost ten parties that are against Netanyahu and their platform is just three words: ‘anyone but Bibi.’” Vaturi told Israel National News. “But I think this will change. In the end, they will all change. Every time a new messiah rises on the left tries to defeat Netanyahu, and every time the Likud wins. We aren’t going to give up. We are going to win this time as well.”

“We’ve seen this several times since ‘95 that someone leaves and tries to establish a new party. But without Netanyahu, there won’t be a [coalition] government.[Gideon] Sa’ar can’t form a government without Yair Lapid. We see that they can only go even more to the left. But if the right-wing is unified around Netanyahu, there is where the next government, the correct right-wing government, will be. Everyone else can call themselves right-wing but they really won’t be.”

“Likud is everyone’s home,” Vaturi said, pointing to his kippah. “The Oslo [Accords] were the result of people, even from the right, who ran after honor. That was the result.”

Vaturi: The Religious Connection

A series of unlikely events led to Vaturi entering the Knesset in December. Likud won 36 seats In the last elections but recent infighting led to longtime Likudnik Gideon Sa’ar breaking away to form his own party. Rather than weaken the party, the move allowed new and enthusiastic members to step into the breach. Vaturi, as the 40th candidate on the Likud list, stepped up, representing a unique and necessary voice in the government.

Two weeks after being sworn in, Vaturi made a bold declaration of his intentions by ascending to the Temple Mount on Sunday and praying.

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