Israel stops Jordanian Wakf from renovating on Temple Mount

Israel stops Jordanian Wakf from renovating on Temple Mount

Head of the Al-Aqsa Mosque’s development committee Bassam al-Halak, is accusing Israel of placing hurdles on Saturday in the path of renovations in the interior and exterior of the al-Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They claim that Israel is trying to impose its control over the site reports the ‘Palestine’ newspaper, a Hamas-affiliated news outlet.

Halak claims that the al-Aqsa Mosque’s renovations were renewed and carried on for four days following Israeli restrictions that were lifted last Sunday.

He added that the Israeli government stopped water leaks from being repaired as well as restricting building materials required for the renovation to be brought to the site.

Halak also said that the Israeli government claimed that the renovations weren’t approved and on Friday they completely halted the work without giving any explanation.

Director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani,, called Israel’s policy “outright meddling with the authority of the Islamic endowment department that belongs to Jordan.”


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