Israeli Arab Knesset Party Gives Award to Wannabe Suicide Bomber
An Arab terrorist who was recently released from prison was awarded a certificate of recognition by the Balad party last month. The photo, which was recently published by Israeli reporter Ishay Fridman showed Matnas Shahada, the Secretary General of the Balad party giving a certificate of recognition to recently released terrorist Zahar Ali. Ali, who hails from the Galilee village of Kokhav Al Hija was sentenced to 16 years in Israel for establishing contact with the Hamas terror organization with the intention of executing a suicide bombing in Israel. Balad is one of the Arab parties that comprises the Joint Arab List who now boasts 15 out of 120 Knesset seats.
אירוע הוקרה נוסף מטעם בל”ד הפעם לאסיר המשוחרר זאהר עלי מהכפר כאוכב אל היג’ה בגליל. זאהר עלי קשר קשר עם ארגון חמאס על מנת לבצע פיגועי התאבדות בישראל. עלי, בוגר האוניברסיטה העברית ישב 16 בכלא. בכירי בל”ד העניקו לו אות הוקרה. (בתמונה: מזכ”ל בל”ד מחבק את עלי באירוע לפני שבועיים)
— ישי פרידמן (@IshayFridman) August 2, 2020
Citing the hypocrisy of disqualifying politicians like Michael Ben Ari and Bentzi Gopstein from running in the Knesset, social media personality Ayelet Lash responded to the image saying: “Michael Ben Ari – disqualified from running. Bentzi Gopstein – disqualified from running. Islamo-Nazi terrorists – a monthly salary from your pocket. A pathetic government with no sanity. Pack up Balad and send them to the border with determination.”
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