Corona Cure? Israeli-Developed HIV Drug Shows Promise


A recent trial of the drug Gammora demonstrates it improved the condition of all coronavirus patients who took it.

By Aryeh Savir, TPS

A trial of an Israeli-developed HIV drug on coronavirus (COVID-19) patients in Congo, which began by chance, has achieved positive and promising results.

Researchers accidentally discovered that Gammora has a positive effect on COVID-19 patients. Gammora is based on technology developed at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem by Prof. Abraham Loyter. Its success in treating HIV is debated.

Dr. Sebastien Mafoundzi, from the Congo Cliniquie La Source hospital, noticed that all his HIV patients who had also been suffering from COVID-19 showed significant improvement after getting their treatment for HIV.

Mafoundzi, following his observations, and due to the difficult situation in Congo, approached the Israeli Zion Medical’s representative in Congo, Atipo Satnialas, to conduct a private compassionate trial on his patients with Gammora.

Zion Medical contacted the World Health Organization (WHO) representative Albert Kazadi to supervise the study.

Zion Medical is an established scientific research company in the field of AIDS and cancer research.

Mafoundzi, together with Dr. Roger Alphonse Bouity, initiated in April a compassionate trial on COVID-19 patients. Compassionate use is a way to provide investigative therapy to a patient who is not eligible to receive that therapy in a clinical trial, but who has a serious or life-threatening illness for which other treatments are not available.

Compassionate use also allows patients to receive promising but not yet fully studied or approved therapies when no other treatment option exists.

The trial focused on two groups of 15 patients each. All 30 patients were in critical condition. The first group received the standard care for COVID-19 in Congo, including antibiotics and Atripla, an HIV medicine. The second group received the same treatment as well as Gammora by injection for a period of nine days.

After only 48 hours, a considerable improvement was seen in all the 15 patients in the second group. By the end of nine days, four of the patients were detected as negative for COVID-19, showing they were completely cured.

The remaining 11 patients in the second group were discharged from the ICU to a standard internal department until full recovery.

However, 14 of the 15 members of the first group that did not receive the Gammora treatment died within this time period, and one remained in critical condition.

The trial proved that the Gammora improved the condition or cured all the patients who suffered from COVID-19.

It is important to emphasize that Gammora is a treatment and not a vaccination for preventing the virus.

Zion Medical reported that it has received more reports from all over the world that HIV patients suffering from the Coronavirus who are receiving Gammora have completely recovered from COVID-19.

The WHO has requested to receive all the reports and protocols of Gammora as soon as possible. Meanwhile, given the success of the experiment, more Corona patients are being treated with Gammora.

Mafoundzi and Alphonse Bouity are now considered local heroes in Congo.

Bouity, who himself contracted the virus and developed symptoms during the trial, did not treat himself with Gammora and died. Bouity’s heroic act saved his patients’ lives instead of his own.

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Source: United with Israel