11 Spiritual Lessons of the Corona Virus

1. EVERYTHING COMES FROM G-D. Toilet paper and hand sanitizer alone won’t save us. Trust in G-d and wash your hands, too.

2. SPREAD KINDNESS & LIGHT. We have had the rare opportunity to watch how the darkness of this virus spread so quickly. Let’s use it as a model for spreading kindness and the holy light of mitzvahs throughout the world, swiftly making this world a clean and pure dwelling place for G-d.

3. BE MINDFUL OF EVERYTHING YOU DO. Just as we’ve had to relearn something as basic as handwashing and improve our practice, what mitzvahs and good deeds are you doing that could be improved with greater care and attention?

4. BUILD YOUR IMMUNITY. The best way to fight darkness is by spreading light. Build up your immune system and resistance to disease through healthy foods and especially through joy. Don’t fall into the fear trap. Fear weakens immunity. Remember that G-d runs the world and is in charge of the coronavirus, too.

5. EAT ONLY KOSHER FOOD. The suspected source of the coronavirus was a person eating an infected bat who then spread it to others. This shows us how just one person eating non-kosher food can negatively affect every single person on the planet.

6. PROTECT OTHERS WITH YOUR SPEECH. Only people who are sick should wear face masks to prevent spreading sickness to others. Wearing a face mask does not prevent a person from being affected by another person’s transmission. This reminds us how important it is that only good words and positive speech should come out of our mouths. Speaking lashon hara (gossip or evil speech about others) spreads and affects others quickly. There is no protection against that kind of negativity.

7. MONITOR YOURSELF. The CDC recommends that people should observe themselves and monitor their symptoms. Anyone who was infected must remember everything they did and with whom they came in contact. The spiritual process of self-monitoring is called Cheshbon Hanefesh, an accounting of the soul. Each night before you go to sleep, think back on everything you did during your day, and reflect on what you did right or wrong. Monitor yourself to make sure that the wrong doesn’t spread any further and that you are only spreading light and holiness.

8. SELF-ISOLATION. People who have been exposed to others with the disease should isolate themselves to be sure they do not come down with the disease or expose others. In this world, we are all exposed to negative thinking, speech, and behaviors. It’s important for us to make time to self-isolate ourselves with G-d each day, and rid ourselves of any potentially harmful behaviors.

9. EVERYTHING YOU DO TOUCHES EVERYONE. As we think about the supply chain, and everyone who has touched that thing we are about to touch, we realize that thousands of people have had a hand in getting the products to us that we use every day. We are all interconnected at every level, because we are all part of the one G-d.

10. THANK G-D FOR EVERYTHING! The coronavirus has made us conscious of everything we do, and everyone we come in contact with. As you wipe surfaces, wash your hands, and go about your day, thank G-d for everything and everyone, and for the great privilege of being alive at this time, at the threshold of Geulah, the time of great peace and redemption, we all long for.

11. UNITY OVERCOMES EVERYTHING. For perhaps the first time, all of the countries of the entire world are united with a common goal – to overcome the coronavirus. Let’s work together to keep this unity to create a world completely at peace!

FEEL FREE TO SHARE THESE SOUL TIPS. You can get more from Rae Shagalov at www.holysparks.com. May we all be blessed with vibrant good health and a swift end to this virus!

Source: Israel in the News