Palestinian Terrorist Murdered Woman in Judea and Fled; Community in Lockdown

Otniel Junction

After three attempted stabbing attacks in one day, a fourth terrorist succeeded in murdering an innocent woman, this time in her own home. Police are searching for the assailant, who fled the scene.

A 39-year-old mother was pronounced dead after being stabbed and critically wounded late Sunday afternoon by a Palestinian terrorist inside her home in the Jewish community of Otniel, south of Hebron.

The terrorist is still at large, and residents are warned to stay home and lock their doors.

“A terrorist murdered a civilian in her home, in the community of Otniel,” the IDF said in a statement. “The attacker broke into the house and stabbed the victim to death. Forces are in pursuit of the terrorist.”

Medical teams fought unsuccessfully to save the life of the victim, who suffered severe wounds to her upper body.

Also in the Hebron area on Sunday, a stabbing attack was thwarted earlier in the afternoon at the western gate of the Kiryat Arba suburb. Security forces caught a female Palestinian terrorist with a knife in her bag before she was able to carry out an attack.

IDF forces prevented another stabbing at a security checkpoint in Samaria, near Shechem (Nablus), on Sunday. There were no injuries.

Yet another attack was prevented early in the day by three Arab youths in the Old City of Jerusalem, Arutz-7 reported. The young terrorists were arrested, having been found with knives outside the Heichal Yaakov Synagogue in Kiryat Moshe, a neighborhood in the western part of the capital. Authorities believe they were planning to attack during morning prayer services, when the building would have been packed with worshipers.

The murdered woman is the fourth victim to succumb to her wounds in the current wave of Palestinian terror.

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel