VIDEO: Roger Waters’ Unhinged ‘Anti-Semitic’ Eurovision Rant

Roger Waters. (screenshot)

Geriatric British rocker Roger Waters amps up his anti-Israel shtick in this slightly deranged, bathrobe-clad rant against Eurovision, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Jewish state.

As Tel Aviv prepares to host the Eurovision Song Contest, attracting fans from around the globe, one of the world’s most infamous Israel-haters, Roger Waters, still thinks a “boycott” of the event will prevent the show from proceeding.

In this delightful clip, the aging musician free-associates sci-fi movies, the famous emperor-has-no-clothes fable, and anti-Semitic “ethnocentrism” psychobabble into an unintentionally hilarious epic anti-Israel fail.

Strap on your tinfoil hat and enjoy. (Original rant at bottom of page.)

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Source: United with Israel