Bolton Echoes Netanyahu on Iran’s Threats to America

In the wake of reaffirmation of Tehran’s readiness to attack Israel and America by top-ranking Iranian officials, U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton told Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who celebrated 40 years since the Islamic revolution in Iran, that “I don’t think you’ll have many more anniversaries to enjoy.”

“This week, Iran marks the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, and what a 40 years it’s been. Tyrannizing its own people and terrorizing the world. Iran continues to seek nuclear weapons, to intimidate peaceful people all around the globe and ballistic missiles to use as delivery systems,” Bolton said in a video uploaded by the White House.

He accused the ayatollahs of funding terror across the Middle East and causing massive suffering inside their own country, which features record high unemployment rates and a low-valued currency.

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“So, Ayatollah Khamenei, for all your boasts, for all your threats to the life of the American president, you are responsible for terrorizing your own people and terrorizing the world as a whole. I don’t think you’ll have many more anniversaries to enjoy,” Bolton said.

Last week, Khamenei explained that the “Death to America” slogan is directed at U.S. President Donald Trump and Bolton, and will stand “as long as America continues its wickedness.”

Bolton’s remarks came the same day as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran that “if this regime makes the terrible mistake and tries to destroy Tel Aviv or Haifa, it won’t be successful, and it will be the last anniversary of their revolution they will ever celebrate.”

Netanyahu’s video response came following a threat by deputy head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps political bureau, Yadollah Javani, that “the United States does not have the courage to shoot a single bullet at us despite all its defensive and military assets. But if they attack us, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground.”

Source: Israel in the News