Islamist Migrants

Mordechai Kedar

In the West, if a person’s birthplace affords  him a feeling of security, a good education, a decent way to make a living, a nice home to live in and a partner with whom to raise a family – that person usually does not try his luck in another country. Emigration becomes a realistic option only when one or more of these elements is not provided for by the land of his birth.

In the Muslim world, emigration is understood in an entirely different fashion and is based on the precedent set by Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, who was humiliated, despised and almost murdered in his birthplace, Mecca. The antagonism shown him was the result of the doomsday prophecies he dealt the people of the city and his attempts to “reeducate” them. After leaving Mecca in 622 A.D., he moved to Medina and there, after a period of about two years, became ruler and military commander, as well as statesman.

Mohammed is seen as the ideal role model in Islam, one who cannot possibly mislead his followers, the leader whose every act was guided by a heavenly hand. That means that every Muslim, wherever he is and in whatever situation he finds himself, must follow in Mohammed’s footsteps and attempt to imitate his behavior. Since emigration led to a rise in Mohammed’s status, his takeover of Medina and its becoming an Islamic city, Islamist thinkers see emigration as an opportunity to conquer the places in which they choose to live and turn them into Islamic states.

The millions of Muslims rapping on the doors of Europe over the last few years come from failed, war-torn states, rife with unemployment, neglect and despair. They are in search of a secure environment, honorable employment, education for their children, a roof over their heads and safe, fulfilling lives. Once they achieve economic stability in their host state, many also integrate culturally and become part of the society in which they have found themselves. They break their ties to Islamic tradition, eat whatever is put on their plates and drink whatever is poured into their cups.

In contrast, however, there are millions of Muslims settled in Europe who have a clear objective: Staying loyal to their religious tradition while strengthening its status in Europe. They make demands whose goal is turning the host country into an even more welcoming one: They see to the availability of Halal foods sans alcohol and pork, courts acting according to Islamic Sharia law instead of local statutes, non-marking of Christian holidays, eliminating Holocaust education that includes the genocide of the Jews, the establishment of a banking system according to Islamic law, and allowing Muslim women to wear the niqab covering their faces in the public sphere. They want their women treated by female medical personnel and not by males, as well as many other demands whose objective is to turn the host country into a place that will attract more Islamist migrants.

To anyone whose keeps his eyes open, it is abundantly clear that those Muslim migrants who do not integrate into the European host country’s society intend to turn that state into an Islamic entity. They do not have to fire a single bullet to accomplish this – and it is perfectly fine with them if the process takes decades, because the Koran states that “Allah is with those who are patient,”   so the Islamic world is quite capable of waiting patiently until its goals are achieved.

Muammar Qaddafi, former Libyan president, once said that “we Muslims do not have to fire a single shot against Europe, because our emigration and high birth rate will do the job.” The problem with the Europeans is that they are forced to accept migrants because of their failing demographics. Two World Wars within one century reduced their population by tens of millions (in addition to six million Jews) and when added to their low birth rates, make for a drastic lack in manpower.

Those who are left are interested in the law, accounting, journalism, hi-tech and the performing arts. Who is left to work in the factories? Who is willing to be a greengrocer? a taxi driver? a deliveryman? That’s where the migrants come in and provide an answer.

Europe is progressing in an Islamic direction – slowly but surely. The core problem is that Europe is infected with political correctness, a blind belief in multiculturalism, and guilt feelings about what Europeans did to indigenous peoples worldwide. For those reasons, anyone talking against migrants is immediately labeled anti-human rights, anyone who voices concern about his own people is called a racist, anyone worried about his country’s future is deemed a “Fascist”, while anyone who expresses worry for both his country and its people is called a “Nazi.”

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This attitude stifles any criticism of immigrants, although many of them live on the dole and their percentage among those imprisoned is far higher than their percentage of the general population. The reason for both phenomena is that the basic values of the host nations – hard work and law observance– have not been absorbed by most of the migrants.

The rules of the political game have been changed in Europe in response to the massive Islamic migration to that continent over the past few years: The nationalist right parties- not the neo- Nazis –  considered unacceptable up to five years ago because of their perceived racism,  have become most popular parties. There is a well-founded possibility that Austria and Hungary will not remain the only countries with  a right-leaning political orientation.

Europe’s public space has changed: Terror in the streets, like the attack in Strasbourg this week and in many other cities in the past, street riots of the kind Parisians have been witnessing for weeks, entire areas the police are afraid to enter and ever growing portions of the economic pie allocated to migrants in the form of unemployment benefits, maternity grants and other stipends dedicated to helping migrants, which also encourage future waves of migration.

This cannot go on forever. One of the possible scenarios is that the political right unites to act resolutely against the waves of migration by legislative means and by deporting migrants back to their country of origin. Even if the left disagrees, it has no practical solutions to the problem and the public is not stupid.

The real solution will come about when the Europeans realize that without bringing children into the world, there is no future for their civilization and its culture. They must first change the image of marriage as an institution, because all the substitutes for it have not encouraged women to decide to become mothers. At the same time, Europeans have to consider granting economic benefits to couples who have more than three children. The problem is that at present, there is no legal way, when encouraging large families, to differentiate between “European” families and Islamic families who have attained citizenship.

Europe is at an impasse that will lead to cultural suicide if the rules of the game are not changed fundamentally.  Israel has to find new friends in Eastern Asia, South America and, of course, the USA, because in the very near future, an Islamist Europe will not be pro-Israel.

Reprinted with author’s permission from Israel National News

Source: Israel in the News