Israeli Forces Eliminate 2 Murderous Palestinian Terrorists

Israeli forces

Israeli forces were successful in tracking down and killing two Palestinian terrorists responsible for separate recent murderous attacks. 

By: United with Israel Staff

Israeli forces and the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) on Wednesday night registered two operational achievements after they were successful in hunting down and killing two terrorists responsible for two recent terror attacks.

In the first incident, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian terrorist wanted for Sunday’s drive-by shooting at a bus stop at the entrance to Ofra during which seven Israelis were wounded, killing him Wednesday night just hours after the Israeli baby delivered prematurely as a result of the attack died.

The Shin Bet said that Salah Barghouti, 29, was killed while “attempting to harm” Israeli forces as he sought to escape from an arrest raid. An unspecified number of additional suspects were arrested.

In Sunday night’s terror attack, terrorists in a vehicle shot at a bus stop outside Ofra, wounding seven people before speeding away. Israeli forces have been on a manhunt for the terrorists since.

Among the wounded was a pregnant woman, Shira Ish-Ran, who was critically injured. Her husband Amichai was wounded in the attack as well. Shira’s baby was delivered by an emergency cesarean section after the attack. On Wednesday, the baby boy, named Amiad Yisrael, passed away.

Speaking to foreign reporters on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that “our hearts are with Shira and Amichai over the passing of their four -day old son. The murderers are abhorrent, the most deviant criminals on earth.”

“The security forces are pursuing them and I hope that there will be news soon on this matter. We will not slacken until we find them and deal with them to the fullest extent of the law,” he said just hours before the successful operation.

Watch – Israeli forces during the manhunt:

Terrorist Faces the Music for 2 Month-Old Attack

In the second incident, Israeli Special Forces shot and killed Ashraf Naalowa, the terrorist who carried out an attack at the Barkan Industrial Park in Samaria in October during which he murdered two Israelis and wounded a third.

During the operation to arrest Naalowa, the Israeli forces tracked him to an apartment inside the city Shechem (Nablus). The Israeli forces exchanged gunfire with the terrorist, who was killed in the battle.

On October 7, 23-year-old Naalowa from the town of Shweika in northern Samaria, murdered 28-year-old Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel and 35-year-old Ziv Hajbi at the Alon recycling factory located in the Barkan Industrial Zone.

Naalowa, who had previously worked at the factory for seven months, forced an Arab cleaner to tie up Levengrond-Yehezkel at gunpoint, and then shot her and Hajbi at point-blank range. He later shot and injured a third employee.

The Shin Bet estimates that he had Levengrond-Yehezkel tied up because he intended to create a hostage situation, but then got cold feet, killed his victims and escaped.

He had been on the run for over two months, and after a complex and prolonged operation, Israel was successful in closing the case.The Shin Bet investigated several suspects who had aided or were aware of Naalowa’s activity. Several have already been tried.

The Shin Bet said that Naalowa was armed and that his elimination thwarted another planned attack.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday commended the Israeli forces for their “impressive actions” which led to the elimination of the “abhorrent terrorist” from Barkan and another terrorist who was involved in the attack at Ofra.

“Israel’s long arm will reach all those who harm Israeli citizens,” he vowed.

TPS and AP contributed to this report.

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Source: United with Israel