Ecuador Honors Israeli Emergency Organization for Life-saving Aid


For from Zion shall come forth…emergency medicine! MDA received an award from Ecuador for life-saving aid and training.

By: United with Israel Staff

Israel’s Magen David Adom (MDA) was honored on Sunday by the Ecuadorian Red Cross for sharing its knowledge and techniques in saving lives.

Israeli emergency medical experts are training medical teams in several countries around the world, lending their expertise on how to contend with mass casualty incidents, including in Ecuador.

As a show of gratitude, the Higher Technological Institute of the Ecuadorian Red Cross (ISTCRE) has bestowed upon Magen David Adom the Shield of Appreciation award.

During a ceremony marking its 14th anniversary, the Ecuadorian Red Cross awarded the Israeli Ambassador in Quito and Magen David Adom with the Shield of Appreciation for their ongoing support of the Institute’s activities.

“The cooperation between the two countries allows us to share the unique knowledge acquired in Israel with our partners in the world, for the important mission of saving lives and in order to present the true face of Israel to the world,” said MDA Director General Eli Bin

MDA, assisted by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV), contributes to Ecuador’s Paramedic Training Institute’s training for mass casualty incidents and advanced paramedic training programs.

MDA instructors and senior members participated in and guided workshops in the country, and in December 2015 organized a large mass casualty incident drill together with local Red Cross personnel and the ISTCRE.

In addition, Ecuadorian senior staff visited MDA, participated in MDA Paramedic training programs and joined MDA crews on Mobile Intensive Care Units. MDA received special recognition from the Institute for these activities as well.

Director of Regional Reference Center for Medical Emergencies and Pre-Hospital Care (CREMYAP) Edwin Davila said that “Magen David Adom assisted the academic activities of the Higher Technological Institute of the Ecuadorian Red Cross (ISTCRE) by bringing professional knowledge to the Institute’s workshops and courses.”

He noted that the Ecuadorian medical body is currently holding a regional workshop to strengthen the pre-hospital care, “in which MDA’s unique contribution, based on years of experience, is a reference point for 14 National Red Cross Societies who are participating in the workshop.”

Israeli emergency medical organizations have, unfortunately, accumulated vast experience in managing mass casualty incidents over the years, especially in response to massive Palestinian terror attacks.

Bin noted that MDA is “pleased with the recognition that we have received and thank the Ecuadorian Red Cross for their fruitful cooperation. The cooperation between the two countries enables us to spread the unique knowledge acquired in Israel with our partners worldwide and to present the true face of Israel to the world, and the challenges that we face every day.”

Earlier this month, United Hatzalah, a Jerusalem-based emergency response organization which is active around the globe, was presented with an award by Panama’s Homefront Command honoring the life-saving aid the Israeli organization has provided to the small Central American nation.

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Source: United with Israel