The creation of Adam and Eve on day six of creation is often regarded as the pinnacle of creation. Since the beginning of time, the relationships between humans and Hashem (God) have been complex and dynamic. Genesis 3 tells of the sin of Adam and Eve, which results in the couple being banished from Gan Eden (Garden of Eden). Following this sin, the land’s prosperity becomes a means of measuring man’s adherence to Hashem; for the Jewish nation, this means following Hashem’s rules and keeping His Torah (Bible). When the Jewish nation adheres to the word of Hashem, the land of Israel flourishes. Scholars and historians have noted that in periods of Jewish exile from the Land of Israel, the land lay fallow and uninhabitable. In the past 70 years, since the Jews returned to Israel from the four corners of the world, the Land of Israel has been prophetically transformed from a wasteland into a blooming and prosperous country. On the seventh day of creation, Hashem ceased the creative process and rested. The seventh day of every week is called Shabbat. On Shabbat, it is customary for Jews to greet each other with the phrase “Shabbat Shalom” (Have a peaceful Sabbath).
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Source: Israel in the News