ISIS has called for attacks on Hamas after it launched a war against ISIS operatives in Gaza. And the winner is – Israel!
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel
The Islamic State (ISIS) affiliate in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula has called for attacks on the Hamas terror organization in a gruesome execution video posted online.
In the video—published by the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Islamic extremism online—a man who is accused of being a Hamas collaborator is executed by ISIS’ Sinai branch.
“[Hamas] uses its smuggled weapons to empower that which was not revealed by God. It also fights supporters of the Islamic State in Gaza and the Sinai and prevents the migration of these supporters from Gaza to the Sinai,” states an Islamic State terrorist in the video.
“Never surrender to them. Use explosives, silenced pistols and sticky bombs. Bomb their courts and their security locations, for these are the pillars of tyranny that prop up its throne,” the terrorist adds.
The animosity between the two terror groups likely stems from Hamas’ crackdown on Gaza-based Salafi terror groups that are tied to ISIS.
Salafi groups in Gaza have criticized Hamas for not being extreme enough and not sufficiently focusing on Islam. The Salafi groups have launched rockets at Israel without coordinating with Hamas, while Israel holds Hamas—which rules Gaza—responsible for all attacks emanating from the coastal territory.
The Sinai has become increasingly dangerous and lawless in recent years, with many large-scale attacks being carried out by ISIS-affiliated terrorists against Egyptian security forces as well as civilians, especially Egyptian Christians.
In order to curry favor with Egypt, Hamas has beefed up security along its border with the Arab country as part of a crackdown on Islamic State terrorists, despite the fact that the two terror groups have previously collaborated.
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Source: United with Israel