ACT NOW! Protest Democratic Senators’ Call on Israel to Halt Razing of Illegal Arab Construction

Bernie Sanders

US senators are opposing the demolition of unauthorized Palestinian structures that were built illegally. We must protest this hypocritic and immoral action!

Democratic US senators have called recently on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the planned demolition of two illegally built Palestinian villages, claiming that the move could endanger Israel’s future.

Ten members of the Democratic Party signed the letter, including Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Diane Feinstein, Al Franken and Brian Schatz.

The letter urges Netanyahu to scrap an order to demolish the Palestinian villages of Sussiya and Khan al-Amar, situated in the Hebron area. While both are not authorized and were built illegally, the plans to raze the villages, as prescribed by law, have sparked an international outcry.

“Efforts to forcibly evict entire Palestinian communities and expand settlements not only directly imperil a two-state solution, but we believe also endanger Israel’s future as a Jewish democracy,” the authors claim in the letter.

The letter is harsh in its assault on Israel and is even reminiscent of language used by anti-Israel organizations.

“Instead of forcibly evicting these communities, we encourage your government to fairly re-evaluate Sussiya’s professionally developed master plan and provide the residents of Khan al-Ahmar equal building rights,” the letter reads.

Sussiya’s illegal Palestinian structures are situated in Area C, officially fully controlled by Israel as per the 1993 Oslo peace accords.

The Obama administration had previously put pressure on Jerusalem on the issue, threatening a severe response if Israel acted in accordance with its own law.

These so-called defenders of human rights have exercised a double standard with regard to Jews. They choose to remain silent and fail to defend Jews whose homes are destroyed under the pretense that they are “built illegally” on allegedly privately owned Palestinian land.

We must let these US representatives know that their duplicity is unacceptable and shameful.  

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1.  Senator Bernie Sanders

2.  Senator Elizabeth Warren

3.  Senator Diane Feinstein

4.Senator Al Franken

5. Senator Brian Schatz

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    Source: United with Israel