VIDEO: ‘When You Blame the Occupation, You Need to Look Inside’

Sharren Haskel

An Israeli lawmaker blasted the hypocrisy of rights-abusing countries that accuse Israel of being an “occupier.”

A Knesset delegation faced an onslaught of abuse at an international summit in St. Petersburg on Wednesday.

Member of Knesset Sharren Haskel responded to representatives of undemocratic, rights-abusing countries that slammed Israel for being an “occupier” and called for the release of imprisoned terrorists, among other demands.

Pointing to the hypocrisy, she suggested those countries’ representatives do some soul-searching and face up to what the real problem is.

Listen to this brilliant, articulate woman say it like it is!

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האמנם ישראל מדינת טרור גזענית? צפו בתשובה שלי לנציג הפלסטיני בכנס האיגוד הפרלמנטרי הבינ"ל IPU.

Posted by ‎Sharren Haskel שרן השכל‎ on Monday, October 16, 2017

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Source: United with Israel