Time and time again, Hashem commands the Jewish people to care for the hungry and downtrodden within their communities. One of the most basic and fundamental ways to care for the underprivileged is to give food to the poor- to feed them. By providing the hungry with warm and nutritious food, you are strengthening their bodies as well as their spirits by demonstrating to them that their community is supporting them in their darkest time of need. While the Jewish people are still mourning the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem some 2,000 years ago, they are simultaneously working towards their restoration by performing acts of lovingkindness. Meir Panim, one of the oldest charitable organizations in Israel works year round to serve lunch at their free restaurant-style soup kitchens across the country. Lay people as well politicians and spiritual leaders have partnered with Meir Panim to serve lunch and bring hope and smiles to Israel’s needy.

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Source: Israel in the News