Psalm 91 is special, as it includes Hashem’s response at the end. By contrast most of the other Tehillim are presented in only one direction, with man speaking to, or about, the Lord. Rarely do we find a psalm that includes an expression of God recognizing the faith that man has shown and responding in kind, offering comfort. The psalmist conveys the message that one who puts his hope and trust in Hashem will ultimately see the rewards of His guidance and providence. Verse 15 is therefore seen as one of the most comforting ideas in all of the psalms. The committed servant of God knows that even when he may falter and, as a result, be sent out of the land, Hashem will still hear his call and eventually save him. God is “with him in distress;” He follows his servants into exile, and is ready to bring them home as soon they are ready to call out to Him.
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