Soccer Camp Unites Israeli Jewish and Arab Children

Israeli child plays football

Seventy-five Jewish and Arab sixth-graders attended a 3-day Soccer for Peace summer camp; Israel’s Embassy in Vietnam is donating 100 innovative wheelchairs especially designed for children with disabilities; Jerusalem’s Kivun Center helps the capital’s Haredim find employment, and much more.


Soccer camp unites Israeli Jews and Arab children

75 Jewish and Arab sixth-graders attended a 3-day Soccer for Peace summer camp at the Center for a Shared Society in Givat Haviva.,7340,L-5006619,00.html

Wheelchairs for Vietnamese children

Israel’s Embassy in Vietnam is donating 100 innovative wheelchairs especially designed for children with disabilities. The Embassy used the budget for Israeli Independence Day celebrations to buy the lightweight wheelchairs from Israel’s “Wheelchairs of Hope.”

30% subsidy for new Jerusalem employees

Jerusalem’s Kivun Center helps the capital’s Haredim find employment.  It is currently offering to pay 30% of the salary for new employees for 30 months.

Backgammon finals – co-existence wins

I reported previously (10th Oct) about a Backgammon tournament held in Jerusalem that brought together Jews and Arabs. The games have become a city-wide Championship involving about 500 Jews, Christians, Muslims and others, supported by both private and municipality funding.

More special IDF soldiers

I reported previously (three times) on Israelis with cerebral palsy who applied to and were accepted into the Israel Defense Forces.  Here is a 4th “Special in Uniform” – Lotan Aroch, who has just completed her 18 months’ service in the IDF. And Daniel Defur became the first blind Israeli to serve in the IDF.

Israeli debating students compete in Indonesia

StandWithUs sponsored the 2017 Israeli High School Debate Team which recently competed in the 29th annual World Schools Debating Championship in Bali, in (Muslim) Indonesia. The team finished 13th in the world, winning 6 out of 8 initial debates.

Help for Austin and Dallas

Israeli humanitarian aid organizations IsraAID and iAID have gone to Texas to help residents of Austin and Dallas suffering from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey.  IsraAID will offer trauma counseling and help clean up debris and salvage belongings from flooded homes, whereas iAID will support the National Guard.

Trauma support for Houston

The Israel Rescue Coalition has just flown a team of the United Hatzalah Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit to Houston, Texas. It is led by Jerusalem therapist Miriam Ballin, a Haredi woman who founded the pioneering psychological first aid unit.


Click HERE for this week’s Good News from Israel.

Israelis are Under Attack. Do You Support Israel?

Want to do something important for Israel? Make a donation to help fight against Palestinian incitement and terror.

The Palestinians’ self-proclaimed knife intifada is the latest result of ongoing incitement against innocent Israelis. Israelis are being stabbed, shot and run over. Yet the world is silent. Help Israel to fight and win the war against terror. The time to act is now!


Source: United with Israel