US Government Preparing for “Black Sky” Doomsday Scenario

An exercise designed to prepare the US for a high-tech end-of-days scenario has just ended in preparation for a threat that is growing as America’s enemies focus on these attacks that could cripple America. Government efforts in this area are increasing and as one expert put it, “It is not a matter of ‘if, but a matter of ‘when’”.

On Wednesday, an invitation-only exercise called EarthEX 2017 was held by the Electric Infrastructure Security Council (EIS) Council to prepare for what experts are calling ‘Black Sky’.  Black Sky events are any catastrophes, man-made or natural, that disrupt the normal functioning of society and its necessary infrastructures in multiple regions for extended periods of time. This can include extreme weather, mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism, and high altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

An EMP is a powerful burst of electromagnetic energy capable of destroying susceptible electronic equipment over a wide area. In its first report eleven years ago, the Congressional EMP Commission warned that one EMP attack could kill up to 90 percent of America’s civilian population within one year through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.

All of these threats are described in prophecies describing the end-of days. Most notably, EMPs and nuclear wars may have been hinted at in the Bible.

At eventide behold terror; and before the morning they are not. Isaiah 17:14

EarthEx was sponsored by the US Department of Energy and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The mission of EarthEx 2017 was to improve community resilience to large scale, long duration power outages through multi-sector exercises.

Large scale threats have become an increasing concern to the government. Last month, 200 experts from 24 countries and dozens of states gathered in Washington DC to plan for Black Sky events. The summit included defense and security ministers, scientists, engineers, and non-government organizations  Also present were members of the U.S. military, National Guard Adjutant Generals, officials from Homeland Security, Department of Energy, FEMA, NOAA, and experts from the utility, distribution and supply sectors.

“It’s not ‘if’ but ‘when’ a Black Sky event will occur. The time is now for each of us to do all we can to be resilient, to prevent — but also to prepare to restore and rebuild,” warned Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda, a former member of the Florida House of Representatives and co-chair of the Florida House Working Group on Cyber Security and EMP, in USA Today after attending the event.

Current tensions with North Korea add to this concern since the rogue Asian nation has long had the ability to create a nation-crippling EMP with a high-altitude nuclear explosion. In 2013, Chinese sources warned the West that Korea had acquired nuclear technology from Russia specifically designed to create massive EMPs. Since that warning, North Korea’s nuclear program has advanced. Its last missile test launched a payload into the upper atmosphere in a manner similar to an EMP attack.

FEMA announced this week that they will hold tabletop exercises to discuss a simulated emergency situation in order to plan for sustained electrical outages in major cities.

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Source: Israel in the News