London Hosts Anti-Israel Hate Fest

Anti-Israel demo London


London is hosting an event organized by a group that publicly support Hamas and Hezbollah.  

London is scheduled to host the “Palestinian Expo,” an anti-Israel event described by the organizers as “the biggest social, cultural and entertainment event on Palestine to ever take place in Europe.”

The event, which will take place at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre at Westminster over the weekend, features 48 “inspirational speakers” such as the notorious Ilan Pappe, an Israeli professor known for his biased research and anti-Israel rhetoric, and Malia Bouattia, former president of the National Union of Students (NUS,) notorious for her anti-Semitic opinions.

Iyad Burnat is also slated to speak at the event. He was denied entry to the UK in September 2016, following which he blamed the “Zionist lobby” for the ban.

The conference is organized by the pro-Hamas group Friends of Al-Aqsa and Interpal, a Hamas-supporting organization which was banned in the US for using its humanitarian missions as a cover for fundraising on behalf of Hamas.

The British government initially threatened to ban the event because of its ties to Palestinian terrorism.

Last month, British Communities Secretary Sajid Javid wrote a letter to the organizers expressing his concerns over their links to terrorism.

The Guardian reported that in the letter, Javid refers to Friends of Al-Aqsa’s public support “for a proscribed organisation, namely Hamas,” and its support for “events at which Hamas and Hezbollah – also proscribed – have been praised”.

A spokesman for the Department for Communities and Local Government stated that they checked the event and approved it.

We at United with Israel are outraged by this event and object to London hosting it. We believe our objection should be heard and call on you to contact the QEII Centre and let them know what you think of their “hospitality.”

Call Queen Elizabeth II Centre and voice your objection at: +44 (0) 207 798 4000.

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Source: United with Israel