Two Mortars Land in Golan Heights

At least three mortars landed in the Golan Heights on Friday as a result of spillover from fighting in Syria. No damage or injuries were reported. The IDF responded by launching an airstrike at a mortar position of the army of the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad.

Mortars also hit the Golan on Wednesday while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was attending a ceremony marking 40 years since the establishment of the town of Katzrin in northern Israel.

“Our policy is clear,” Netanyahu said in response to the mortar fire. “We will not accept any kind of ‘trickle’ – not of mortars, rockets or spillover fire [from the Syrian Civil War].We will respond with force to every attack on our territory and against our citizens.

Last Sunday, Israel attacked a Syrian army unit after errant fire spilled over into Israeli territory. Last Saturday, two Syrian soldiers were reported killed when Israel attacked army positions in the same area in response to errant fire.


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Source: Israel in the News