Palestinian Embassy in London Glorifies Terror as UK Mourns Victim

Hannah Bladon

As the UK mourns the murder in Jerusalem of British student Hannah Bladon, the Palestinian Mission in London continues to promote terror. 

While the United Kingdom mourns the murder of a young British woman, Hannah Bladon, 20, by a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem last week, the Palestinian Mission in the UK is promoting an event at a London hall in honor of another terrorist.

Marwan Barghouti, former head of Fatah’s Tanzim terror faction, was convicted and imprisoned in Israel for orchestrating three shooting attacks in which five people were murdered. The Palestinian Authority (PA) embassy in Britain is endorsing an event that will show a film praising him next Sunday at the Mayfair Hotel in London.

According to the invitation to the event, which is posted on the embassy’s official website, the event is organized by the UK branch of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement and the General Union of Palestinian Communities in Europe.

The embassy is directly involved as well, as registration for the event is done by emailing the PA mission’s political counsellor Meisoon Shorafa.

Another Attempts to Whitewash Barghouti’s Crimes

The film “Marwan,” produced by the independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an, is being screened in London to mark Palestinian Prisoner’s Day in “solidarity” with what the invitation on the embassy’s official website refers to as “6,500 Palestinian political prisoners” – i.e., imprisoned terrorists and murderers.

Barghouti, convicted and imprisoned for five murders, is referred to as “resistance fighter” who turned “advocate of the two-state solution.”

Under Barghouti’s leadership, the al-Aqsa Brigade helped escalate the second intifada by launching numerous terrorist attacks against civilians. These include the January 2002 Bat Mitzvah massacre, in which Palestinian terrorists killed six people at a birthday celebration for a 12-year-old Jewish girl, as well as the March 2002 Yeshivat Beit Yisrael massacre, in which a Palestinian suicide bomber killed eleven Israeli civilians, including two infants, three children and two teenagers.

He was acquitted on charges of 33 other murders due to lack of evidence of direct involvement, with the court noting that “he did not have direct control over the terrorists, but did wield influence.”

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), which monitors Palestinian incitement to terrorism, has reported on the Palestinian attempt to make the international community “recognize the legitimacy” of Barghouti’s murders by campaigning for him to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

By: United with Israel Staff

UPDATE: The May Fair Hotel has cancelled the event honoring Barghouti, Times of Israel/Jewish News reported. “The event was advertised on the UK Palestinian Mission’s website but the venue said it decided not to proceed after undertaking “standard due diligence.”

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Source: United with Israel